The Bear Necessities of Entrepreneurship

Ep 100: Entrepreneurship in Action w/ Alex Batdorf

Episode Summary

🚨❤️Episode 100!!!!!!❤️🚨 For this 💯 episode we brought back a friend of the show Alex Batdorf, Chief Get Sh!t Done Officer at Get Sh!t Done, the Collaborative Where Womxn Entrepreneurs Gain Traction to Grow $1M+ Businesses that Scale Generational Impact. We talk all things entrepreneurship.... What it takes to be an entrepreneur... Entrepreneurship isn't for everyone... Why most businesses will NOT and should NOT raise institutional capital... Check out the full episode, don't forget to subscribe and review!

Episode Notes

🚨❤️Episode 100!!!!!!❤️🚨

For this đź’Ż episode we brought back a friend of the show Alex Batdorf, Chief Get Sh!t Done Officer at Get Sh!t Done, the Collaborative Where Womxn Entrepreneurs Gain Traction to Grow $1M+ Businesses that Scale Generational Impact.

We talk all things entrepreneurship....

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Show Produced by: Niranjan Deshpande (Nick), Broken Frames Studio,

Creative Director: Maxim Sokolov, 

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Episode Transcription

EP 100_Alex Batdorf_Transcript

00:00:00:01 - 00:00:21:12

Alex Batdorf

So in the same way that not everyone's supposed to be a doctor. Not everyone's supposed to be a janitor. Not everyone's supposed to be an entrepreneur. But the problem that I see is that there are so many well-intended or not well-intended programs or people that want to make money off of you can build this course. You anyone could be an entrepreneur.

00:00:21:13 - 00:00:45:15

Alex Batdorf

Think about MLM. I talk about this all the time because I have known people all my life that have done MLM. I have a really hard time with it because I look at I look at the stats. When you look at the marketing of MLM companies, it is very much so. Anyone could be an entrepreneur. You can make a lot of money, but what a lot of people don't understand is the economics behind it, because 75% of people are actually enters at MLM lose money on it

00:00:46:10 - 00:01:07:03

Rob Napoli

Hey, how we doing? We're back again for another episode of the Bear Necessities podcast, and today is a special one. It is our 100th episode. When I started this two years ago, did I expect to get to episode 100? Probably not. I started it and loved it and have been having a passion for podcasting. And here we are.

00:01:07:19 - 00:01:28:17

Rob Napoli

And I thought for episode 100, who should I bring on? Who would be a fun gas to bring some energy and cover a topic that is really passionate to me and really only one name pops in my mind. And that is our guest, Alex Batdorf. She is just about. So, Alex, thank you for being back for episode 100, pleasure for having you

00:01:28:17 - 00:01:31:19

Alex Batdorf

Come on 100 flowers for you.

00:01:32:05 - 00:02:00:21

Rob Napoli

I appreciate it. And and we're excited to have you back. So for those that don't know Alex, we did an episode earlier. I will link it to learn more about her deep entrepreneurship journey that we went into. Link that episode that she is a three time veteran entrepreneur where she's the founder and CEO of one of the coolest companies out there called Get Shit Done, the collaborative platform supporting women entrepreneurs in growing, game changing businesses that break out of survival mode and scale impact.

00:02:01:15 - 00:02:21:04

Rob Napoli

And this is something that we talk about all the time and of the episode content of today, which we're to talk about why you shouldn't go get fundraising and that entrepreneurship isn't for everyone. And Alex brings a lot of us at the table through the work that she's doing with getting it done. And so her journey just to give the Cliff notes, that's her first company failed.

00:02:21:04 - 00:02:50:14

Rob Napoli

She realized she needed access and the know how to people to help grow. But the communities and programs that were offered either couldn't relate to what it was like to be in her shoes or to inspirational without a focus on the tangible things in life right. Those are the things that really grow a business. So she built a community of experts and allies around her that enabled her to scout her second company to over $1,000,000 quickly after realizing that only 1.7% of women entrepreneurs ever scale beyond 1 million.

00:02:50:15 - 00:03:12:13

Rob Napoli

Which is wild to think about when you hear that stat out loud, right? She knew that she could share her community and what she had learned to grow more women founders so that more women founders could grow, too. She announced that she'd done the accelerator and the community membership to support women entrepreneurs to help get unstuck, break out of survival mode and be supported in scaling that vision of impact daily.

00:03:13:03 - 00:03:34:05

Rob Napoli

Prior to founding Get It Done, she was co-founder and CMO of Zip Fit Denim, a multimillion dollar venture backed e-commerce company that was acquired in 2019. And as I have said before, she is a badass featured in Forbes Business Insider.,spoken around the nation at Harvard, Turner Broadcasting, etc.. LONG But definitely worth it. Alex. So awesome.

00:03:34:19 - 00:03:41:13

Alex Batdorf

I need to tell our marketing manager like, we're going to cut us it down. But, you know, then I also was like, Oh my God, tell me more about myself.

00:03:42:24 - 00:04:05:08

Rob Napoli

I think it's written beautifully and I guys had a big ass bio, her big ass personality. I absolutely. I actually love it. And it's why you are that top of my list for this 100th episode, especially because, you know, I've had a couple episodes that came out recently with some amazing people talking about how to do fundraising, talking with one of my OG entrepreneurs.

00:04:05:08 - 00:04:36:07

Rob Napoli

Ronald Richard's about this topic that entrepreneurship isn't for everyone, and it's something I know that you've talked about a lot. So let's kind of dive into this. This first part of entrepreneurship isn't for everyone. When we say that, what do we mean? Like, what does that mean to you? And like, how do you talk about this? Because this is something that in this day and age where everyone thinks that you can just be an entrepreneur and it's sexy and I'm just I go into business for myself.

00:04:36:07 - 00:05:08:11

Alex Batdorf

I love this topic. I can talk for days about it. Wow. Hold on real quick. Well, sorry, y'all. That's the one time that I would that I would say actually edit something out. Or you could leave it. I don't care of scammers. It's all those spam calls. Any who. So the way I look at it, it's everyone and every individual is inclined with very special, unique gifts.

00:05:08:19 - 00:05:33:15

Alex Batdorf

So in the same way that not everyone is supposed to be a doctor, not everyone's supposed to be a janitor, not everyone's supposed to be an entrepreneur. But the problem that I see is that there are so many well-intended or not well-intended programs or people that want to make money off of you can build this course. You anyone could be an entrepreneur.

00:05:33:16 - 00:05:56:20

Alex Batdorf

Think about MLM and I talk about this all the time because I have known people all my life that have done MLM. I have a really hard time with it because I look at I look at the stats. So when you look at the marketing of MLM companies, it is very much so. Anyone could be an entrepreneur. You can make a lot of money, but a lot of people don't understand is the economics behind it.

00:05:57:00 - 00:06:20:04

Alex Batdorf

Because 75% of people that actually enter into MLM and lose money on it because they pay a fee and then they never make money off of it, because the way to do it and to make money is to bring in more people. But I digress on that. So in entrepreneurship, very similarly and you hear this a lot right now, especially because there's a lot of uncertainty around the economy that's when people are like, this is when you should become an entrepreneur.

00:06:20:04 - 00:06:57:10

Alex Batdorf

And I'm like, Absolutely not. Because what people don't understand is that like any type of job you're going to have, it is hard. It is hard to start your own shit to also be able to be an environment where you don't know when your next paycheck might come. You are in charge of going to get it. Like if you came from having benefits and money just sitting in and you had to go to a job and a desk to do that one thing, that's beautiful, but when you own the business, you're now responsible for all that, plus bringing in your own benefits plus X, Y, and Z.

00:06:57:10 - 00:07:12:23

Alex Batdorf

So that's why I always appreciate like one of my friends who's an attorney. She was like, I love all my entrepreneur friends, but she was like, It's a no for me dog. Like, it's a no for me because from 9 to 5 you get me. But the rest of that time it's my life I want to turn off.

00:07:13:03 - 00:07:41:19

Alex Batdorf

I want to do whatever I need to do. And a lot of people don't understand in that. Like people say, entrepreneurship is freedom. I'm like, not really. You still have a boss, your bosses, your customers, and honestly, you spend more time invested in this thing. You're never off. So I think that fundamentally from that perspective, everyone has a unique set of gifts, gifts and values that they care about for their life to run properly.

00:07:42:03 - 00:07:52:11

Alex Batdorf

And for a lot of people, entrepreneurship is not for them and they're really not about that life. But they're being told your way to freedom is entrepreneurship. But let me tell you the boat, that's not it.

00:07:53:18 - 00:08:15:19

Rob Napoli

So I love that you bring this word up. Freedom right so funny enough of MLM thing because I did MLM at one point and I agree with you on all that, although I do think that one of the best experiences I had in my life was doing MLM because I learned a lot about me and I learned a lot of skills trying to run in my own business right?

00:08:15:19 - 00:08:36:03

Rob Napoli

But you bring up this entrepreneurship is not for everybody and there's a different level, right? Because I look at like MLM, that's like kind of being a franchise owner. You're taking something that's already built for you and you're running as a small business owner, as a franchise owner versus being entrepreneurship. And then there's kind of so a pro to an entrepreneur and there's a difference between having a side hustle and going all in.

00:08:36:12 - 00:08:58:01

Rob Napoli

And I think entrepreneurship and so many people start thing as a side hustle and sometimes that can become a full time gig and go all in and sometimes not. Sometimes that's meant to be. But I love this word freedom, because I will disagree with you just a little bit. I think entrepreneurship is not it will not make you rich, but it gives you freedom to do the things that you're passionate about.

00:08:58:08 - 00:09:13:20

Rob Napoli

So I use the word freedom. It's there's two types of people in this world. The one that wants to work and their passions in life are like your friend after 5 p.m.. That's their life. To go to the shows to do, to be a parent, to play softball, to do all these things, to travel. Do you want to go all in?

00:09:13:21 - 00:09:47:08

Rob Napoli

It's the freedom to go all in on your passion. But at the same point, when you work at a job 75%, the job is what you were hired to do when you become an entrepreneur, the shit you love to do is nothing like 10%. The other 90% is accounting. Running your business, doing sales, delighting customers right? And it's when you fundamentally think that it's not about freedom for my financial freedom and the freedom to just do whatever, it's the freedom that you get to do the thing you want to do, but you have to build all that system, the processes in place.

00:09:47:08 - 00:10:08:07

Rob Napoli

And that's fucking hard. That's probably more work than you expected to take on. And that's where people get it wrong because they think freedom the wrong way. And so I love that you share that and I just want to share it because like I used, I do use the word freedom in the sense that the freedom to follow my purpose and passion, because there's always two types of people in the world does that work to do other things?

00:10:08:13 - 00:10:16:11

Rob Napoli

And those of us that work because work is our passion. We want passion, purpose, all three bottled up into what we do day in and day out.

00:10:16:20 - 00:10:37:01

Alex Batdorf

But I think this is an important distinction because even when I talk about freedom with entrepreneurship, like, for example, I guess you don't we don't say building a unicorn company, because I quite frankly, I think that's toxic. I think the environment is in a bad place because we're we're trying to build infinite growth companies. There's no such thing as infinite growth.

00:10:38:13 - 00:11:00:03

Alex Batdorf

And I think what's important and like we say, scaling generational impact. So for us is actually redefining what scale looks like and what that means. And it needs to be in alignment with the vision of impact for the founder. And I think what's important for anyone that's considering entrepreneurship is that you can have freedom whether you work for someone else or for yourself.

00:11:00:20 - 00:11:21:24

Alex Batdorf

So with entrepreneurship, it's being able to pursue what you are. Again, going back to your unique skill set on this, in this world, on this planet, I am very like genetically ingrained to be an entrepreneur because of my skill sets. There's just I've been doing it since I was 19. I've literally never had a job outside of internships and college, right?

00:11:22:06 - 00:11:41:12

Alex Batdorf

Like there's just something in me that's crazy enough to keep doing this thing. Like, I just have certain traits within me and skill sets that allow me to do this. But it's a long slog, and I do believe you can build wealth through it, but you have to you have to keep refining. It's the same thing with when you're going in a corporate environment.

00:11:41:12 - 00:12:03:15

Alex Batdorf

There's a lot of people that work at these companies that are building wealth, like at the Apples of the World where they got really good packages. They're investing in the market and they're able to build wealth for themselves and their family that way. So I think it's really important when I look at scaling generational impact, we look at it in the context of entrepreneurship because we care about supporting women entrepreneurs.

00:12:03:21 - 00:12:31:02

Alex Batdorf

But I think it's also important for people to be clear that we shouldn't be demonizing people that work for other people. I cannot stand these stupid ass motivational speakers or whatever the hell they call themselves that are like, If you're working for someone else, you don't really want it and you're wack or whatever. And I'm like, No, you're wack guy talking from a camera in your mom's basement telling people how to be a millionaire and you haven't done it yourself like you can.

00:12:31:08 - 00:12:44:17

Alex Batdorf

You can get your own freedom, build your own version of wealth, but you need to find the vehicle that is best in alignment with getting there for you personally and for the majority of people. That's not entrepreneurship.

00:12:45:20 - 00:13:01:03

Rob Napoli

I, I love that so much. It resonates with me because I talk about all the time, but it's it's not the sexy hot take, right? Because it's you know, it's we live in a this or that world until I go on and be a creator and like, be heard. You have to pick a hard line stance on this or that.

00:13:01:03 - 00:13:17:08

Rob Napoli

And it's like, no, no, no, there's more than one way to do this. And it's following where it is your passions, what are your skills line? And, you know, sometimes for some of us we have skills and we have passionate. Sometimes they don't always align. So sometimes you work with your skills to live your passion, right? And that's okay, too.

00:13:17:08 - 00:13:40:19

Rob Napoli

And that's what I like. That's what resonates with me. And I feel, you know, we had this big pandemic and during the pandemic we had the rise of the consultant, or I call it the rise of business owners, The rise of entrepreneur solopreneur is everyone started their own thing. And so many of those people went back and house now, which is totally fine because they realized this wasn't for them because they thought they'd be able to do the things they love and they do 10% of the time.

00:13:40:19 - 00:14:00:09

Rob Napoli

But then they have to run their own marketing, run their own sales, have to do accounting, They have to do all the work because they're a team of one and not a part of a system of ten. Right. And it really changes the way you operate. Well, if you're used to operating with a team and when you go to operating as a entrepreneur, it's fucking tough.

00:14:00:17 - 00:14:20:03

Alex Batdorf

Oh my goodness. And we need to. I think what's really important here is everything is so ego driven with the rise of social media. We love titles. I've gone through that phase myself, you know, especially when I was in my twenties building a company. And I remember when I resigned from my last company, I had a come to Jesus moment and I'm like, Who am I?

00:14:20:03 - 00:14:39:12

Alex Batdorf

It was before I started Get You Done was I quit my without these titles. I'm not a founder right now. I'm not an executive. I'm not like, Who am I? And I'm like, That thing doesn't make you who you are. And to the point around this idea, around these titles, shaping our who we think in our values and our worth is like saying we're an entrepreneur or a CEO.

00:14:39:12 - 00:15:00:20

Alex Batdorf

People love getting business cards. My friend Tiffany is the founder of the budget set. We had her on our podcast. One of our first seasons ever, and she said something really important. She was like, you know, this little girl named Shanti, 14 year old that does braids in the neighborhood. You know, she was like, Shanti doesn't have a business card.

00:15:01:00 - 00:15:21:22

Alex Batdorf

She didn't have a website. And she was like, the Shanti has clients, She has people paying her. She was like, I see a lot of people who claim to be entrepreneurs, social media, the have a website, have business cards, but they don't have any clients. They have no money coming in. She was like, Shanti has a business. You look like you have a business.

00:15:22:13 - 00:15:45:09

Alex Batdorf

And I've never forgotten that because I'm like, There's so many people that want to look like they have a business, but they're not actually doing the things that entails. Being a business owner. And I always say, you are not an entrepreneur until you've sold something, even if it's just one thing, one service, one item. You are not that until you are not an entrepreneur, you don't get that title until you've actually done the work.

00:15:46:17 - 00:16:05:22

Rob Napoli

100%. And that's why I've seen so much happen with so many people over these last couple of years. And, you know, I have all this shows and I find prey to all the social stuff. But, you know, I'm on socials, I create content. But even when I wrote my book, I still talk about we need less creators in society and more engagement.

00:16:05:22 - 00:16:28:11

Rob Napoli

We need more engagers advocates, allies that are that are engaging in conversation, engaging content, versus just creating it for creating sake. And I think that's a really important thing because when you become an engager and advocate an ally, that's where you go out and do business. That's where business gets done versus just looking like it, right? Because you've got to be able to prove to the putting and that's through engagement.

00:16:29:00 - 00:16:53:13

Alex Batdorf

Yeah. Even if you think about like to your point around engagement, I think if you go back to thinking about entrepreneurs versus people who are entrepreneurialism or work in corporate, it's like we need to engage with this. So I don't like this whole thing. Anyone can be an entrepreneur. It's like, No, they can't. Because honestly, like, how can businesses go places without people working in them, right?

00:16:53:13 - 00:17:20:06

Alex Batdorf

Like, you're just like, and I heard this thing, like the self-made stuff. There's no self-made anything. Like I couldn't have a business where it's out today without my team. Look, I need people who are skilled at what they're skilled at, which I suck at in to do that thing to help grow the impact for this business. So to your point around Engagers, we also need people that engage within companies that might not be the owners because quite frankly, not everybody wants that responsibility.

00:17:20:06 - 00:17:34:02

Alex Batdorf

Like I tell everybody, I'm like, Yeah, I'm the CEO, but I'm a glorified project manager and janitor and whatever the hell else I need to be that day. It's really not that sexy. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted. This exhausted.

00:17:34:02 - 00:18:01:13

Rob Napoli

I you and me both. I mean, I talk about that a lot with people like, you know, I run I have ADHD and OCD. I run. You've had me and you see me when I'm in action training and stuff. I have high energy. I can I'm always on and I run in sprints or I need to take those breaks because I do, I burn out really quickly and I've gone through burnout multiple different times and I now know when I'm getting close, when I need to take that mental hot day, when I need to take that step back.

00:18:01:21 - 00:18:22:17

Rob Napoli

Sometimes I push too far. But you know, I've that took a lot of time, right? It took a lot of experience. It took a lot of things. And to the point where why I love entrepreneurship and I go all in on it is I was a good employee, but I probably wasn't the best employee. I was coachable, but I also want stuff done.

00:18:22:17 - 00:18:46:19

Rob Napoli

I move quickly. I'm pretty independent and at one point I realized I need to be in a place where I could lay out a lot of the systems. I can put those things in place so that I could have the right people pulling levers and driving something forward. And when I had that realization to change the game to running my first business and it's such an interesting thing and I love how you share it that not everyone, everyone can, but now everyone should.

00:18:46:19 - 00:19:05:01

Rob Napoli

And that's such a unique thing in a world where you create online courses, create content, I can show you how to grow a tech stock following your business like that. It doesn't change. There's no magic pill, right? Like being an entrepreneur equals putting in work just like anything. And I think it comes down to, are you willing to put in the work?

00:19:05:07 - 00:19:34:16

Rob Napoli

Do you have those skills? Do you have that passion and do you have that purpose to create impact? And you talk about scaling impacts, right? I want to transition into, you know, what is impact for you, What does that mean to you? And in the communities that you create with gets you done for all these amazing women entrepreneurs that you know, I just saw Christine Carbone brilliantly the other day and their big announcement, who who as it may have pivoted.

00:19:34:16 - 00:19:49:02

Rob Napoli

And she just realized that I'm chatting with her and it's like these are people I met two years ago and we're now seeing them crazy impact they talked about two years ago. It's like, holy fuck, you're still doing it. So let's talk about it a little bit. What does scaling impact mean to Alex?

00:19:49:20 - 00:20:12:21

Alex Batdorf

Oh, I love this question and this is why it's so important. Going back to understand what is your unique skill sets, purpose, passion in this world? Because it's interesting when people are like, Well, aren't you afraid? Like, for example, we have this traction tracker that we use and we walk communities through the founders and get focus, and it's the frameworks we teach our founders.

00:20:13:15 - 00:20:39:07

Alex Batdorf

That is the reason why the founders in our community performed 54% or higher higher on revenues than their counterparts. And we teach it to people like, Well, aren't you afraid someone's going to steal this? And it's also funny to me because I'm like, No, because no one will ever have our sauce and our sauce is the fact that my unique experiences led to the vision of impact I have today.

00:20:39:19 - 00:21:10:01

Alex Batdorf

So in the we won't go down the story, but in the previous episode, when you and I chatted about my story and how I got to get shit done, you know, going from, you know, my first company failing to my second company that exited. But even getting to that exit, the ups and downs of that resigning for my own company, you know, where it was like we raised all this money and we were being, you know, the top 1% of women entrepreneurs that blah, blah, blah, you know, and all those unique experiences of me being in a business that I was scaling.

00:21:10:01 - 00:21:30:04

Alex Batdorf

And I was like at some point looking around like, I don't give a fuck about what we're doing anymore because we're just scaling to scale. I burnt myself out of my own company and on paper everyone's like, Oh my God, you should be. So you're killing it. I, I cannot stand with you. And I know their intentions are good, but when people will see something on social media, we're like, You're killing it.

00:21:30:09 - 00:21:51:12

Alex Batdorf

There were times people would send me dm’s or an email, You're killing it. The times I was the most burned out depressed in my life because on paper I was. But it wasn't in alignment with my vision of impact. And to give a little background and again, your unique experiences shaped who you are. I come from a social justice family.

00:21:52:03 - 00:22:13:20

Alex Batdorf

My grandmother is a champion for decreasing the recidivism rate back in Washington State, in the black community, my mother is an advocate for getting kids out of the system so that they're getting back with their families instead of being put into juvie and all these different things and both of them had full time jobs and still scale their impact on the side using their unique gifts.

00:22:14:04 - 00:22:40:11

Alex Batdorf

And then that led to me is I took all my unique experiences, growing businesses, and then also seeing the injustice around being a woman and a woman of color and seeing all the women around me. And I'm like, Wait, we're being told that women are starting companies at a higher rate than anyone else is our male counterparts. But then I'm like, in these rooms with quote unquote successful entrepreneurs.

00:22:40:11 - 00:22:52:08

Alex Batdorf

I'm like, What all these women at? And I'm like, I'm one of the only women. I'm definitely the only black woman here. So where are they at? Because black women are supposed to be starting companies at a higher rate than everybody. Then on the other side, we're being told, well, it just sucks for women because we don't have investors.

00:22:52:08 - 00:23:08:06

Alex Batdorf

And for someone who had investors at the time, I'm like, I can definitively tell you that does not make your life any easier. Getting investment amplifies what's already there. It accelerates what's already there. So if you don't have a business model that's working, you still don't have a business now that works and you just run through that cash.

00:23:08:06 - 00:23:30:07

Alex Batdorf

It doesn't fix the thing. People keep conflating capital with your business model. That's not it. And so for me, it took all those unique experiences coming together, like where we were, what's actually happening on the surface. And then when I found out women owned nearly half the businesses that generate 4% of total revenues, I'm like, Why the fuck are we talking about this?

00:23:31:04 - 00:23:44:04

Alex Batdorf

Because if we want to talk about freedom is entrepreneurship and impact, I'm like, We can't make an impact. When nearly 90% of women entrepreneurs earn less than six figures in their businesses, they're better off going to work for someone else.

00:23:44:24 - 00:23:55:11

Rob Napoli

100%. And that's that's crazy to think about that 50% of businesses are owned by women and only 4% impact. That's that's that's crazy.

00:23:55:16 - 00:24:16:21

Alex Batdorf

Of total revenue. So for me and again it's what does impact look like for me and I'm like someone can never take our sauce because I have such unique experiences of why there's such a fire in my belly for this. I'm like, I've lived it. I see it every single day. And why this matters is because I'm like, I look at that 4% number.

00:24:16:21 - 00:24:37:24

Alex Batdorf

I'm like, There's so much impact I can make in entrepreneurship, but we can't if we're stuck. And people are so fixated on helping more companies launch, and this is why we don't help anyone launch their business. I'm like, I don't really give a fuck about anyone else launching a business. If the people in the current system can't get through because then we just add more people to the pipeline and we're sitting ducks, that's not impact.

00:24:38:05 - 00:24:59:04

Alex Batdorf

So my vision of impact is a place in where women entrepreneurs are building businesses that can scale their vision of impact. What the scaling look like to you. Because when you're doing the thing that you're best at doing and the value you create in the world, everyone wins, everybody wins. That's why everyone needs to stay in their fucking lane.

00:24:59:16 - 00:25:11:18

Alex Batdorf

Say you're like, entrepreneurs are not entrepreneurs. We add so much value to the collective when we all focus on the thing that we are literally designed to do. And that's my vision of impact.

00:25:13:06 - 00:25:36:03

Rob Napoli

I that was for everyone out there listening, whether you're seeing audio or audio video that was about 50 different knowledge bombs all wrapped into one. And it's and if it doesn't show you the kind of fire and passion it takes to go through and, you know, I'm going to be clear here, get it done is amazing. And I love being part of this community.

00:25:36:03 - 00:25:51:06

Rob Napoli

I get to come in every cohort and do a workshop on branding, and it's one of my most favorite things to do. And I can tell you why. It looks like on paper Alex is doing a lot of amazing things. That doesn't go without what she just said. When she's struggling, when things are tough, that it's not been easy.

00:25:51:12 - 00:26:10:19

Rob Napoli

She just laid out all the fucking numbers for you, her to get to where she is. It's fucking hard, right? And I love that you point that out. It's so easy to get caught up in the amazingness of it all. But you also need to take the time to sit back and be like, Holy shit, look at where building like this is fucking cool, right?

00:26:11:13 - 00:26:27:17

Rob Napoli

And we're not where we want to be, but we are well on our way to being better than we were yesterday. And that's what I think it should dunzo about. And that's why I think entrepreneurship is all about and what it can be all about. And that's what impact is. And that's why let's be honest, that's why I love being a trainer.

00:26:27:17 - 00:26:44:19

Rob Napoli

I love working in brand, I love going at these organizations and training managers to be better and training organizations to be better. To me, that just so much purpose that I can share my class of experiences, of being someone who sits in a room with stuffy corporate people and having my man body and my beard and, you know, tattoos.

00:26:44:19 - 00:26:57:14

Rob Napoli

And I never wear shirt and tie, right? Like just even getting to be in those rooms and share like, look, the way I work is changing. Are you changing with it or what are you wanting to attract? What do you want to be here? What is the culture trying to create? What is the impact you're trying to create as an organization?

00:26:58:02 - 00:27:14:04

Rob Napoli

And how do you go along to make those things better? And it fills my cup up, right? It's what I get passionate, a jazzed up, a And while that's fun and I can show you pictures on my Instagram and show you insta stories of stuff I'm doing and travel and gear and travel and there doesn't show you the days where I'm sitting at a computer.

00:27:14:04 - 00:27:35:16

Rob Napoli

It's just like I'm chasing that money, I'm chasing on this, I'm chasing my next client, or I'm waiting for things to come in so that I can get my team aligned. It's like that is it's it's highs and lows, but it's important to always be pointing to your North Star, which is what you just said, what your impact is, because you work every day about that impact and it makes all this other shit worth it.

00:27:36:04 - 00:27:59:16

Alex Batdorf

Oh, my God. And you know, it's interesting when I really. Because you don't we've been around three years now and I was still had residual from building my first due to businesses being obsessed with the accolades and all that because and mind you when I'm saying this to you all, like I'm not trying to preach. I've been there where I've been obsessed with titles, I've been obsessed with who are we featured in this?

00:27:59:24 - 00:28:23:10

Alex Batdorf

Whoever's working today. And it's like, that's it doesn't matter. I'm at this point now where I don't really like, I'll do things like this, but like, I couldn't care about your Forbes list. I couldn't care less about like, there's just so many different things where I'm like, because that doesn't translate to impact to me would translate to impact to me is what's happening in our community every single day.

00:28:23:10 - 00:28:42:05

Alex Batdorf

Like the fact that usually on Fridays we're able to post consecutively what our founders are winning on. And it's not me, me talking about me or what get you does doing. I want to amplify what they're doing because that's what brings me joy, that gets me to my Northstar. It's like, how were they moving through the pipeline? I don't care for it.

00:28:42:06 - 00:29:07:17

Alex Batdorf

Mentioned in some PR or whatever. Like, honestly, at this point it's like there is like an award ceremony. I would rather send someone on my team to go get it because I'm like, That's not going to move the needle for my team and for the people in our in our community. What it is, how I show up and how I get people like you who are growth allies to also show up collectively to create outcomes, whether people acknowledge it or not.

00:29:07:17 - 00:29:25:07

Alex Batdorf

Does it matter? Because what I look at are those outcomes every single day. And if we're not making any, but if we're not budging, they're not making any progress there. That is a failure on my part and a failure to my purpose. All that other external stuff. And this is what usually gets people in trouble and founders in trouble.

00:29:25:17 - 00:29:48:00

Alex Batdorf

It's just the external pressure and accolades and all of that that takes us away from our North Star. It's affecting that thing don't even matter to me. And you look up one day and you're burnt out and you're exhausted. You're like, Why don't I care? Why am I just numb? It's because you lost. You lost connection to the thing that actually keeps you going.

00:29:48:00 - 00:30:09:18

Rob Napoli

So I love that you share that because that is something you're the third person I've had this conversation with in the last two weeks about this impacting, and it's something that I regularly struggle with from time to time because, you know, I get caught up sometimes in the social event and like I realized that I have a really amazing community locally where I get to go and do things in person.

00:30:10:01 - 00:30:27:08

Rob Napoli

And so I don't always remember to build other social stuff, right? Because I because I get so caught up in these things and you know, it's one of things I always have to look back is like, holy shit. Like I had this many trainings this week and it's the impact I made. Like when you sit back and look at your calendar, it's something I do reflectively on Sundays.

00:30:27:08 - 00:30:52:23

Rob Napoli

When I sit down, I look at my calendar, play my week ahead for an hour. I try to move one meeting. I just look back. It's like, Oh shit, look, all this shit I did last week, I made some pretty cool impact and this is like what moved the needle on. And this is why I felt like I also looking like I spent too much time doing this, amount of time doing this and that reflection time always kind of realigns me back to, Hey, just because you didn't put that social post out or just because you're not getting the same love on that post as other people's posts that are bullshit, Like you did these things.

00:30:52:23 - 00:31:21:07

Rob Napoli

And it's, it's really easy for us to get lost in that space. And I appreciate you sharing that because you're the third person literally in the last two weeks I've had this conversation with, and it's something that needs to be said more for everyone out there that when you're also looking at those two, when you're creating a value network and you're looking to learn from and be a part of the space where you can grow, make sure you're you're following a part of those communities where the people that are there have been there and done that that they're using.

00:31:21:11 - 00:31:43:21

Rob Napoli

They're putting action to the words. It's really clear. You know, we just sat in Nashville and said all these things that come out there are so much that happens where organizations will do a post that day or do a thing, but they don't put action into their causes that impact their missions and make sure you follow people and companies that put action to mission.

00:31:44:08 - 00:32:00:21

Alex Batdorf

Absolutely. And it's you know, even when I started it, you that my friend, I was like trying to encapsulate like what we do and she was like, oh, you move on to inspiration activation because a lot of stuff, there's so much inspirational stuff out there and I think there's a place for that. It's the thing that gets you going.

00:32:01:07 - 00:32:24:03

Alex Batdorf

But what keeps you going is taking those steps. And what I love that you said, and one of our values that gets you done is around the celebration. So Jack Black, who's this incredible black coach of executive coach, I remember when I was I was nine for my last company. She coached me and I remember because I was so fixated on I need to get to the next win and the next wave and the next one.

00:32:24:03 - 00:32:44:18

Alex Batdorf

She was like, Alice, you need to breathe through your celebration. She was like, Do you realize? Because at the time I was 26, she was a Do you realize what you've accomplished at 26? And I was having a midlife crisis that you're not 30 yet because I'm like, I need to do more. I need to do this. Then again, I love what you just said.

00:32:45:12 - 00:33:12:17

Alex Batdorf

Tune out what everybody else is doing. Who cares if that person gets more likes or whatever? It's really about what steps did you make? Because those things add up to the big wins, and I think we forget about that. Like, one of the things that I try to do now is like my friend, when my sole friend, she always laughs when she is working co working with me, she's like just like bus out laughing because I talk to myself a lot and I'll be like, Damn, you're a bad bitch.

00:33:12:18 - 00:33:33:10

Alex Batdorf

You got you killed that, you know? And she was like, You are your own hype woman. You are your own. And it's true. I'm like, I've had like, I have to just even if I just sent a really killer email, I'm like, Wow, Nailed it. Like, those moments for yourself is just more valuable than someone else being like, You're killing it.

00:33:33:10 - 00:33:41:10

Alex Batdorf

And of course, like, I acknowledge and I appreciate and I receive when people do that, but it is just so much more powerful when it comes from me.

00:33:41:10 - 00:34:04:17

Rob Napoli

First, I love that you share that. I'm the same way. Like I like first time I'll start dancing. Like when something good happens. I'm like, Yeah. And I like play a song. I just like vibe out for a second, like so much in my world. And that's why I was joking when we were talking pre-show that I missed like office life sometimes because I realize sometimes, like I'm too much talking to myself.

00:34:04:17 - 00:34:08:13

Rob Napoli

I need a social action cause I can hold a full on.

00:34:09:17 - 00:34:28:20

Alex Batdorf

Yes, I can get in my zone where I'm like, I'm so in my world and like, pumped up and I'm like, Yes. And then I'm like, No one else is around. But I'm like, okay, let me like, really let me have some balance there. But no, I love I love that you mentioned that around like celebrating those wins, like breathe through your celebrations.

00:34:28:20 - 00:34:54:22

Alex Batdorf

That's what Jack Black taught me. And one of our values at the company now in our tribe is we always laugh and founders breathe through your celebration, even if it's like, you know, I got 8 hours of sleep last night. That's something to celebrate. Or I drink eight cups of water a day. Wow. Like, it doesn't need to be a big thing where we just got this deal, You know, all those little things add to those bigger goals and milestones that you achieve it.

00:34:55:04 - 00:35:15:13

Rob Napoli

It's creating habit, too, right? Is creating process and habit. So we've been talking so much and I love this entrepreneurship, the impact and what that I want to touch on because it's something that I think needs to be said. It needs to be heard. And, and as we close out this episode is about this idea. We started off about entrepreneurship and growth and all this money going in.

00:35:15:13 - 00:35:34:22

Rob Napoli

But fundraising, you talk about impact, you talk about these things and you and I both on the the the train of don't take fundraising unless you need to share this because you have so much more to talk about it because you're working with so many founders. And I can't tell you how many times people hit my inbox. Hey, Rob, can you help make this intro?

00:35:34:22 - 00:35:43:12

Rob Napoli

I'm raising a bridge round and at bridge rounds. Like, why are you raising bridge rounds? Can I products? That's fast enough. It's like that. Fix the problem. Like, what are they talking about?

00:35:43:20 - 00:35:48:23

Alex Batdorf

The money does not fix that. Like, Oh, I digress. Yes, I hear you. I hear you.

00:35:48:23 - 00:36:08:05

Rob Napoli

So let's talk about this. You know, most businesses will not and should not raise institutional capital, write fundraising. You say fundraising is not a business model. Talk to us about why that is and where is. Entrepreneurs need to be putting their time, energy and effort If they do want to raise funds, what gets them there? What are these things that they should be doing instead?

00:36:08:05 - 00:36:14:03

Rob Napoli

Because I agree with you, it's 2020 founders are focused on fundraising and not the businesses that they're in.

00:36:14:21 - 00:36:34:09

Alex Batdorf

Absolutely. It's this I'm like chuckling inside a little bit because right before we started recording, I was on a on a phone call with my friend who's a VC, So we were talking about Silicon Valley Bank shutting down an entire bank dedicated to VC backed companies. And I was like, This is why private equity is VCs hotter older brother.

00:36:34:18 - 00:36:55:23

Alex Batdorf

And it was like, Oh my God, that's so true that I got grossed out. But here I think before I get into the the why, I believe companies should not not raise it. They don't need to. I think it's important for us to look at the data and understand the economics behind VC, which a lot of entrepreneurs don't understand.

00:36:56:04 - 00:37:16:20

Alex Batdorf

And I get it because the loudest narrative in the media and in the room is typically you've just raised money to raise money. That's what success looks like. No one talks about, Wow, that local company just scaled the 10 million bootstrap. That doesn't get applauded. But what gets applauded, you just you just raise $100 million and they're still not profitable.

00:37:16:20 - 00:37:49:02

Alex Batdorf

I'm like, I'm sorry. You're you're in Ponzi scheme until you make some money off of this thing. So the economics behind the behind VC, for those that don't understand the reason why venture capitalists want to see billion dollar companies in unicorns is similar to entrepreneurs. They're raising money. They have LPs limited partners. Those are big VC investors. So for them to return their fund, to return the investment to their investors, they're looking at a couple of deals that will help them get to that number.

00:37:49:10 - 00:38:13:05

Alex Batdorf

So even if you do raise the VC of the less than 1% of any entrepreneur that does, they're only betting of that less one, less than 1%. They're only betting that maybe a third, if they're lucky, that's a high number. A third will actually make it. So they're still betting against you. And so the reason for that is they need to return their funds.

00:38:13:11 - 00:38:37:21

Alex Batdorf

They need you to grow at ten X and plus they want to be like 100 X crazy returns. They want to see an exit within 5 to 7 years, ten max. So when an investor says you were in this for the long haul, No, honey, they're in this with you no longer than a decade. And if you if it looks like it's going to take longer than that, they're going to push you out of your company because the incentive for them is they need to see that return.

00:38:38:07 - 00:39:00:14

Alex Batdorf

So I bring that up for entrepreneurs because it's really it's really important for entrepreneurs to not try to retroactively fit themselves into a narrative, because here's what I'll see entrepreneurs do. And I know you've had experience with this too, with founders pitching where the next billion dollar opportunity and I'm like looking at their numbers in the market, I'm like, No, you're not.

00:39:00:15 - 00:39:22:06

Alex Batdorf

They're like, What do you mean? I'm like, Because for you to be billion dollar opportunity, you have the saturate 100% of the market you're in, you're not air, you're not water, not everyone's using you, no one's not is everyone's using Amazon, not everyone's using Apple like but because they're being told this is the way to get the money is let me fake it till you make it.

00:39:22:06 - 00:39:58:20

Alex Batdorf

Which I fucking hate that. So then you end up getting founders that become criminals. The FTX of the world, the Theranos of the world, where they're trying to go after this thing that they see as success, which they probably should have never been down that path. And because they're trying to keep up with the pressure of having to get to that exit so quickly, they can flight numbers, they lie, they they really they really compromise their own morals and values because I think at the end of the day, I think there's a very small percentage of people that are sociopaths and psychopaths.

00:39:59:00 - 00:40:17:01

Alex Batdorf

I think many founders that go down a really bad route. I think had good intentions when they started, but they just couldn't keep up with the pressure. So I say all that because people need to have context for why this is not a good vehicle for the majority of companies. And yes, 2% of funding goes to women. That's 2% of less than 1% that goes to anyone.

00:40:17:13 - 00:40:40:02

Alex Batdorf

And so what we need to take a look at is let's take a step back. We see first and foremost is a baby. VC wasn't even established until like it was off the whaling industry. It was like it's like literally in the 1900s, very new. So people were scaling companies before that. And what's happening now is because everyone's trying to go after this one model, there's a higher rate of failure.

00:40:40:11 - 00:41:01:02

Alex Batdorf

And what I look at is like is to thrive. You need a really strong middle class. We don't have a strong middle class in entrepreneurship. We're actually recreating what we see in income disparity. So I say all that because you can have a company that's tens of millions, a million, and you would still be in the top percent because a lot of companies don't get that.

00:41:01:02 - 00:41:20:10

Alex Batdorf

Like you said early, only 1.7% of women have ever scaled 2 million. I'm grateful I've done it, but I'm like, why aren't more doing it? And when I realized they weren't doing it because everyone was trying to go after this, one thing is one vehicle. And a lot of times they weren't about that life, but because they were being told that's the only way to succeed, that's what they chose.

00:41:20:13 - 00:41:40:13

Alex Batdorf

They chose. So I say all that because it's not for everyone, because the pure sheer economics of it, it is not a viable vehicle for most businesses. A big fail today literally closed down today because it placed the majority of its bets on this. One thing that is so high risk.

00:41:41:13 - 00:42:03:23

Rob Napoli

Yeah. And you know, you run and I read the stats at the time this they go I read the stat that most I can't remember the exact number but a high majority of entrepreneurs didn't become successful at their companies until the age of 40. Right. Which means they've probably started and found something before they went through all these collective experiences.

00:42:03:23 - 00:42:23:11

Rob Napoli

And it took time for them to get to the point where they could do all these things right. And we're expecting these, you know, sometimes kids coming out with ideas to like go through this ten year growth plan, you know, without having a cup of coffee. And what tends to happen when we do this, like, oh, this is the one way to do it.

00:42:24:13 - 00:42:46:21

Rob Napoli

We put ourselves in this echo chamber of like quick think and not actually going out. And the old saying comes to mind, right? One in the hand is better than two in the bush. I don't have a $10 million profitable business going $100 million valuation because that could fall apart tomorrow. That $10 million, you got money in the bank, you're successful, you're doing these things like that's something to be celebrated.

00:42:46:21 - 00:43:15:24

Rob Napoli

And I love how you talk about the income disparity, as I think to many entrepreneurs and to many companies that I meet to the accelerator circuit are so hell bent on raising capital and going through that model that to them, a $10 million successful business would not wasn't successful to them. And it's like, wait a second, you're doing and I love and I see like five year projections they go from we're doing 50% revenue this year and within five years we're going to do 5 million.

00:43:15:24 - 00:43:18:06

Rob Napoli

And it's like, what the fuck? How does that make sense?

00:43:18:12 - 00:43:19:23

Alex Batdorf

Sense Make it make sense.

00:43:20:19 - 00:43:22:01

Rob Napoli

It doesn't, right?

00:43:22:10 - 00:43:26:04

Alex Batdorf

Peter, You got to rob Peter to pay Paul in that type of that model.

00:43:27:02 - 00:43:44:13

Rob Napoli

And it doesn't make sense. And so, you know, I, I talk to people all the time. I get it. If you have to go raise funds, I get the whole process. But if you're going into that process, the other thing to realize and to remember that they're not going to be with you for the long haul and it's it's like a relationship.

00:43:44:13 - 00:44:04:09

Rob Napoli

It’s like dating or marriage. And you’re saying is you need to have the right people around you because if they don’t and they’re not the right people around you, they’re going to you’re going to fight against them all the time and they’re going to look to replace you as quickly as possible. The best way to lose your company is to pick the wrong VC, the wrong investor, the wrong people around you that are only caring about the business model profit and not you.

00:44:04:09 - 00:44:10:22

Rob Napoli

And so many founders take money and they don't take the relationship. And it's a it's a recipe for disaster.

00:44:11:07 - 00:44:37:07

Alex Batdorf

Absolutely. And the way in mind you again, I'm speaking again as someone who is bootstrapped, someone who's done the VC route, like I, I get all the perspectives, but I what I really challenge founders and I'll give a little story here one of our founders has this incredible platform in the workplace development space. And when she first got into our accelerator, she was making money.

00:44:37:07 - 00:44:52:21

Alex Batdorf

They were doing well. Where I'm like, This thing does not fit. Like you're on subscriptions. You still things don't need to raise money. You know, just the only reason to raise money is just to go faster. Because I'm like a lot of times, especially like D I software, whatever. I'm like, these aren't. You're never going to be like that, honestly.

00:44:52:21 - 00:45:09:15

Alex Batdorf

You're just not like, you're just not going to saturate that. There is a very, very small, very small chance. And so I just remember, I never tell, I never say never and I never tell founders what to do with their fucking companies. It is up to you. And so she was like, okay, look, I'm going to explore this thing.

00:45:10:03 - 00:45:26:22

Alex Batdorf

And I realized she really started getting more into that VC circuit, and then with everyone telling her what she should be doing and whatever. And so then she asked me for an intro to an investor in our Get shit done deals network. So we have a ton of 150 different investors that are looking for deal flow and we'll make direct intros if you have traction.

00:45:27:21 - 00:45:46:04

Alex Batdorf

So she asked this intro, I responded. I said, Hey, send me your blurb. I get a response for a month later, I went on sabbatical. I'm closing down the business and she was like, I should have listened to you. And she just went down this thing like, I don't know why I got how I got sucked up in so much hype and I just let her know.

00:45:46:04 - 00:46:05:19

Alex Batdorf

I'm like, It is not about listening to anyone else. Take everything with a grain of salt. Take your pick what I say with a grain of salt. Right. But it's really about you have to follow like the best tool you will have as an entrepreneur, as a person is going to be your gut. Not a spreadsheet, not a VC, not your business partner.

00:46:05:19 - 00:46:27:17

Alex Batdorf

It is going to be your gut. And the moment we betray our gut is when we get into the most trouble. And it's very hard, though sometimes not to betray because sometimes our gut is asking us to go into the unknown. And that's really uncomfortable. And so we stay stuck in our own shit. And then we keep burdening ourself over and over.

00:46:27:24 - 00:46:47:23

Alex Batdorf

So I say all that because the end of the day, the moment we betray ourselves as entrepreneurs and we get into a lot of trouble, is when we still get unattached with our Northstar in why we're doing it in the first place. And what does success and impact look like to us? It's when we start getting on this merry merry go round and hamster wheel.

00:46:47:23 - 00:47:02:10

Alex Batdorf

I need to keep up with the Joneses. And then you look up one day and you're like, Land yourself in prison or you're in a constant state of burnout. You have no more friends and family. You burned all your bridges. That is not the way to live your life, and your company should not be running your life.

00:47:03:12 - 00:47:22:24

Rob Napoli

100%. And I love that you made that point about, you know, I love giving advice to service. I love working with them, but take everything with a grain of salt. In the fact that I've worked through businesses, I could tell you a lot of things, but I'm not in your business every day. It's not mine and scientifically proven that as humans we buy with our limbic brain, we buy on emotions and use data to justify it.

00:47:22:24 - 00:47:36:09

Rob Napoli

So when you listen to your gut, it's telling you what you need to do because you're going to buy an emotion anyways. Like there's no way to change that. The got scientifically proven follow your gut and then let the data like help validate you. That's how we do it as humans. It's the same thing with running your business.

00:47:36:17 - 00:47:50:24

Rob Napoli

And remember that there's all these people that want to talk about you and it's great to take in. It's great to have this community get you done right. There's a lot of people in the community that want to help. There's a lot of people out to talk at you, not with you. Remember to always take things and filter it out with a grain of salt.

00:47:50:24 - 00:48:09:24

Rob Napoli

Understand that no one that you talk to is in your business every day. They may have similar experiences come from same backgrounds, have gone, got the same journey. But everyone's journey is unique because it's theirs and you have to be able to make that decision as the entrepreneur, as the founder. And that is what I think a lot of founders are afraid of, is betting on themselves and making a decision themselves.

00:48:09:24 - 00:48:14:21

Rob Napoli

They want to always have somebody else to pass the buck. Guess what? You can't so lean into it.

00:48:15:07 - 00:48:41:12

Alex Batdorf

And can I just say one more thing on this is before you get started and every step of your journey, what what brought me out of my last company, which on paper is seen as successful, I don't see it as a success. I see it as I really compromise myself, bought myself, just me, myself and my well-being that it's taken years to get back to a place where I'm okay.

00:48:41:17 - 00:49:00:20

Alex Batdorf

Right. I think the most important thing you can do and I did this initially, but I kind of ran off is start with what does success look like to you? Not about anybody else, like take out the billion dollar or whatever. No. Think about how are you living, Who are you serving? What does your day to day look like?

00:49:01:15 - 00:49:26:23

Alex Batdorf

That's where you have the start. If you start backwards by what does society deem as worthy you've already lost, you're dead on arrival like you just will. And you had to learn that lesson yourself. But you really got to see. Success is not external validation. It is. Again, this goes back to what does impact look like. Impact is a life where you wake up every day and you fucking love what you do even if you're tired.

00:49:26:23 - 00:49:47:04

Alex Batdorf

There's days where I'm like, I woke up today. I'm like, God dammit, this week I've been tired, I'm fucking cranky. Oh, but I still woke up. So it's like still thinking of I'm like, I get to do this, I get to talk to Rob today. I get to be in our community after this and talk to our founders about like, they're setting up revenue partnerships, sharing agreements with each other.

00:49:47:04 - 00:50:16:10

Alex Batdorf

And I'm like, this is exactly what I want to do every single day, every single day. So I just say for founders, start there. How do you want to feel? What does that look like? And then look at the strategy, how to get there. But the moment you do it backwards and it's based off of external validation, you want the fame, you want the glory, what you're going get yourself into a lot of trouble from a legal perspective, or you are going to harm yourself a great deal.

00:50:17:00 - 00:50:40:11

Alex Batdorf

And the people around you if you don't get that right. So and benchmark that to every as often as possible. I love what you said about you do your Sunday, you know deep dive of what you celebrate. Make sure that you are still staying very in alignment with that. Northstar And what does success look like to you so you don't get into a predicament where you're like, I don't even want to do this anyway.

00:50:40:11 - 00:51:01:04

Rob Napoli

I love that so much. And that's powerful. As powerful, I think great way to end. And, you know, I just want to say I appreciate you for for sharing a very real and rock place because that's not always easy to do to say like, look, it's taken me this long to get over it. I mean, you've had so much success and so many amazing things, but you're still evolving, still growing.

00:51:01:04 - 00:51:20:22

Rob Napoli

I think that's when you never forget where you came from and never forget where you're going. And you're always living in that kind of present and having that Northstar, It puts you in the right direction. You can't go wrong when you do that, and that's amazing. So, Alex, this is a fun episode 100 Where could people find you?

00:51:20:22 - 00:51:25:23

Rob Napoli

What are you doing? What do you got coming up that, you know, the Bear Nation community can support you on?

00:51:26:22 - 00:51:44:12

Alex Batdorf

I mean, first and foremost, I'm just going to give you your flowers and just say I'm so proud of you. 100 episodes. There are so many I don't even know the stats, but it's really low. Like the amount of people that actually stick with it and make an impact. And I just love the energy you bring it and the conversations and just like how you show it for our community too.

00:51:44:12 - 00:52:11:15

Alex Batdorf

So I just want to say bravo to you and give you your flowers because you are such a wonderful spirit and just a voice we need in this space to actually create impact. So I just want to say that for So thank you and for us, I would say, you know, if you're a woman entrepreneur who is looking at scaling your business, but you want to define what that looks like for you and not be pigeonholed to it needs to look one way.

00:52:12:06 - 00:52:33:18

Alex Batdorf

Check out our community whether it is you can go to we send out and this is for anyone actually, we send out free five minute weekly growth playbooks where we break down the ways that women entrepreneurs have scaled beyond the million, because again, only 1.7% have they give you all the T and all the tools on how they did it.

00:52:33:18 - 00:52:54:01

Alex Batdorf

So that's one way to do it completely free. And if you are woman entrepreneur who is looking for that additional support to grow daily with no bullshit real spark with just people that are helping you get it done with tangible results, check out our membership community. And those are really the two best ways, but we hope to see you over in our in our tribe.

00:52:54:01 - 00:52:59:10

Alex Batdorf

Even if it's just getting our weekly emails, we We talk a lot of shit, but also back it up with that.

00:52:59:10 - 00:53:29:16

Rob Napoli

So yes, absolutely.100% facts are awesome. And if you want to check out more about Alex's journey, we had an earlier episode where we got deep into what makes her her and, you know, all this energy that she brings. It's a wonderful story. That episode will be linked in the show notes as well as Alex's LinkedIn. And if you're somebody who who really resonates to this episode and loves what gets you done is doing and you want to join in support in some way, whether you're an investor, a founder can bring some sort of energy.

00:53:29:16 - 00:53:47:19

Rob Napoli

Make sure you reach out to Alex because there's amazing things happening there and we need more continued amazing allies and advocates and supporters and teachers and growers and doors to be a part of it. So sign up, join. It's worth your time. Alex, once again, thank you so much for being a part of bear nation. This was amazing.

00:53:48:14 - 00:54:06:05

Rob Napoli

Hopefully if you stayed out of Mexico, I'll come visit you some time anyway. And when you are back in New York again, let me know. We'll have to we'll have to chop it up in real life. So appreciate you bearing nation check, Alex. Check she get shit done Thank you so much for riding with me for 100 episodes.

00:54:06:20 - 00:54:10:17

Rob Napoli

More to come. Thank you. Until next time, as always, stay well and rise up.