The Bear Necessities of Entrepreneurship

Ep 96: The Power of Video w/ Nick Capozzi of Demostack

Episode Summary

In this episode of #TBNE Rob chats with the one, the only, Nick Capozzi. Nick is one of the leading voices on storytelling, brand, and all things video. He has the voice for radio and the face for TV. Don’t miss this part 2 as Nick and Rob get deep into the power of video and how to use it successfully in your business. Check out the full episode now! Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review.

Episode Notes

In this episode of #TBNE Rob chats with the one, the only, Nick Capozzi. Nick is one of the leading voices on storytelling, brand, and all things video. He has the voice for radio and the face for TV. 

Don’t miss this part 2 as Nick and Rob get deep into the power of video and how to use it successfully in your business. 

Check out the full episode now!

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Show Produced by: Niranjan Deshpande (Nick), Broken Frames Studio,

Creative Director: Maxim Sokolov, 

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Episode Transcription

EP 96_Nick Capozzi_Part 2

00:00:00:01 - 00:00:17:16

Nick Capozzi

Okay, Hold on, man. I don't own your book. I need to correct this all on it. I'm not doing this as we're recording. Add to cart

00:00:17:16 - 00:00:46:06

Rob Napoli

Bear Nation how we doing? I'm really excited. This is part two of the episode that I did with Nick. Nick is a good friend of mine. He's the head of storytelling at demostock He had has an amazing journey, and he spent the first part of the podcast talking about something that we all hear kind of brand evangelism and how to make brand evangelists and the kind of role of the head storyteller or having a brand about just kind of high level person leading, but also brand evangelism from the front lines.

00:00:46:20 - 00:01:03:18

Rob Napoli

And then we got into what his specialty is, which is the power of video. He is amazing at shooting content, creating content, laying it out. It's what he does is what he's good at. And so we wanted to slow this up and really kind of break into two parts so it's easier to listen to and really hone in on some of the knowledge and gems that he drops in this episode.

00:01:03:18 - 00:01:27:04

Rob Napoli

So I hope you enjoy part two with Nick. He has the voice for podcast, the voice for radio. He brings a lot of dynamic energy and great just great nuggets of wisdom in this episode. So enjoy this episode and thank you for tuning in. So. Well, when I went actually, do I think that was a great kind of piece.

00:01:27:04 - 00:01:51:00

Rob Napoli

This is transition into the power of video that we've talked a lot about this in terms of brand evangelist. Let's talk about the power of video and why is video so important? You talk about like 1% of 1% are creating video. And I like that. And I want to just kind of like this picture. We saw Instagram, Tik Tok came out and it's what others see Instagram come out of that by creating reels.

00:01:52:14 - 00:02:14:10

Rob Napoli

In fact, Instagram's that in 2023 they overweighted video and they're going to kind of balance it out. But we saw like the rise of like the rise up. I mean, corporate brow really blew up. You talk about, well, they can all these people of kind of having these kind of curated satire type, you know, having a plan, kind of putting together a mini script, creating content and then kind of chopping it up.

00:02:14:10 - 00:02:22:14

Rob Napoli

So let's let's get into that's why you talked about your love for video. So let's talk about it. What's what is the power of video and how does that do.

00:02:22:17 - 00:02:39:04

Nick Capozzi

The period in the sentence? It makes you a human being. And I spent a lot of days on the road. I mentioned earlier there was one point I had like a lineup at one event of people who want to talk to me because of they felt they knew me, right? So what that did, was it position me as an authority?

00:02:40:12 - 00:03:02:14

Nick Capozzi

They felt they knew me and they had no problem coming up. I mean, few of them were like, Can I talk to you? Like I'm kind of a small fish. I'm like, Man, what's your name? Like, Where are you from? Would you grow up? Right? I'm just so curious about people. So it makes you very human. And I mean, I don't want to put too fine a point on it, but it makes you very human.

00:03:03:03 - 00:03:25:20

Nick Capozzi

And that's that's what it comes down to. And people buy from people they like, people they buy from people. They are people buy it from people they know they can trust. I mean, these are all things you've heard before. But that's what happens is when you create content, even if you don't know. And I think the best way one of the key things about creating content video but text based pose to you is step in the ledge will appear.

00:03:26:01 - 00:03:43:18

Nick Capozzi

You don't need to be a subject matter expert. You just need to be one rung higher on the ladder than someone else to bring them value. So that's really key. And video is not hard. And that's where I almost drove past this so fast the last couple of years. Coming like video, so fucking easy. What do you mean you're struggling with it?

00:03:43:18 - 00:04:09:21

Nick Capozzi

Turn your fucking iPhone on, get a teleprompter out. What do you mean? But I realize that this was such a heavy load for people. But then I'd spend 30 minutes with them, and we occasionally do like office video hours for social, social and Fridays as well. And I would just say, look, this is super easy. Here's how to jump drop everything into a Google word doc dictated in and here's how you take that content, turn that into 60 social posts, here's how you shoot it on your iPhone.

00:04:09:21 - 00:04:28:15

Nick Capozzi

Here's how you want your lighting to be like in 5 minutes of them taking through their home office. I'm like, No, stop. You want the tripod in that corner of the room? Because how you're being lit on that side, right? So for me, it's super easy things. I forget sometimes. But I also think too, I train so many people how to be on a stage.

00:04:28:15 - 00:04:49:01

Nick Capozzi

And to me, creating video on LinkedIn is is Little League. Now, if you've never picked up a baseball bat and you leave in a little league, that fastball coming in is it's a learning curve. But if you do it on stage, that's Major League Baseball. So for me, it's it's a lot easier to teach it in in in the lower level to present yourself on like LinkedIn and YouTube shorts and all that.

00:04:50:20 - 00:04:56:23

Nick Capozzi

But video is so fuckin effective.

00:04:57:06 - 00:05:19:12

Rob Napoli

It is. Here's a stat that I'll give you. Maybe that's not, but as humans we consume content from video 60% faster, six times faster than we do. Written content like our brains are processing that content so much faster, which means we can consume that quicker, we can make better decisions and we can consume more of it in a short amount of time.

00:05:20:16 - 00:05:41:12

Rob Napoli

So if we know that humans consume video quicker in writing and reading text post and we're not doing it like this is a missed opportunity. And the other thing that I love about video and it kind of has my ask that companies do this like all these sales, especially B2B sales people are like their whole goal is to get a meeting right 50 minutes at a time.

00:05:41:13 - 00:06:12:05

Rob Napoli

But like, stop, drive them to your website, have a two minute demo less than 3 minutes, get them excited. Right, drive them, retarget them, they'll call you back and then you actually have a chance to ask great questions and do a curated demo that is very, you know, creative, like knowing what their problem is. And so you're not just giving your stock to or like you have different ways to do this, but like so many brands are afraid to like put a mini demo out on their website or on Vimeo or YouTube because it's like, well, others are going to say is like, who the fuck cares?

00:06:12:05 - 00:06:19:13

Rob Napoli

Like, make it easier. We can go buy. I can go buy a car tomorrow. I'm carvana without ever looking and going test drive

00:06:20:02 - 00:06:39:00

Nick Capozzi

I think the best way to look at that, Rob We're talking from a content perspective, but video as a seller is so critical and I'll give you a great example. I was selling this product to doctors couple of years ago and they would see the ad on Instagram and kind of impulsively book a meeting. So it had their personal email, couldn't follow up, would try.

00:06:39:00 - 00:07:00:14

Nick Capozzi

I was doing so much work like trying to, you know, call the dental office. I was getting gig kept by by, you know, the reception. And what I realized was, was that, well, let me do this. Let me drop 48 hours in advance. Hey, Rob, it's Nick from Blank Company. I'm so excited because you booked a meeting for 9 a.m. Central, your time on Tuesday.

00:07:00:20 - 00:07:22:05

Nick Capozzi

And we're going to talk about ABC. Really excited to meet you. Also, just want to know if you have any questions in advance. Just drop them in the reply to this video and I'll make sure that that I get to those that those things are covered in our talk. Thanks so much. Have a great day. 15 seconds and well wound up happening was our hold rate for meetings because they were impulsively booking was 42%.

00:07:22:18 - 00:07:45:05

Nick Capozzi

We got it to over 80% when I started sending out one 15 seconds to send out a custom email just to hold the meeting. So we were getting twice as many bites at the apple, right? That's the power of video. Now take that and look at it through a lens of a fucking brand. Changes fucking everything, you know. Now think about how to promote your brand with video.

00:07:45:05 - 00:07:53:19

Nick Capozzi

How to create engaging, telling great stories. How do you take your narrative and turn that into scripting? That's going to pop for short form, right?

00:07:54:07 - 00:08:13:10

Rob Napoli

And that's the beautiful thing about this, right, too, is as you flip this around is like so many brands are just putting content and it's like all this like great like video of blah, but there's no human element to it. The human is it going back to it is like putting human faces, putting experiences and just being a human changes the game in the way that video works.

00:08:13:10 - 00:08:28:06

Rob Napoli

I think it's so powerful. So I want to kind of go back to something you're talking about. You know, the little leagues, which is Major league, says a lot of people work, a lot of partners who are afraid to be on video. They're just afraid because they think that their English isn't great or they're not great on camera.

00:08:28:16 - 00:08:44:07

Rob Napoli

And you know what? I always like to do what I do with them a lot. And this is a great way to create content. Instead of making a script is I'll say, Hey, you know, book me for an hour. I'll come up with 25 questions. I'm going to ask them to interview you, and we're going to chop your piece of it.

00:08:44:24 - 00:09:10:22

Rob Napoli

And then we have content like it's simple as get somebody to interview you. There's all kinds of easy ways to get comfortable with video. So what is your best way for somebody who's like Nick I'm afraid just being on camera, like my fear is that what would you do to get them comfortable? What are some of the tips? Like mine's like having somebody interview you or some other tips to give them to make them comfortable on camera and get them on their path to being, you know, creating content, feeling good about it.

00:09:11:23 - 00:09:37:05

Nick Capozzi

Call me. That's it. No, I think I think you hit it with with interview style. So it's one of the things that that we're we're doing a lot of right now is is interviewing people. We have this studio set up we were flying people in to have them kind of co-host what we were doing here at Demo Stack and we switched the format a little bit and will want to happening was, you know, he calls six people and say, listen, you know, we can't fly in anymore.

00:09:37:05 - 00:10:00:08

Nick Capozzi

You know, we're changing the format to sit. Can you can I still fly in? I want you to interview me. So I think I think the best way to look at this is have someone interview you, give them the questions, but think about how you would answer in soundbites. Right. And I think look at your answer or dictate an answer, just one answer that you would give.

00:10:00:15 - 00:10:25:08

Nick Capozzi

So I have a tech product that helps product led growth conversion, let's say. Okay, cool. So what's the question I'm asking you give me the answer. Well, that's two paragraphs way too long. What's the one key point that two paragraphs PLG founder. What do you want out of that? Like, what is the most impactful? I can just eyeball it, but teaching people that do that, that's the line.

00:10:25:16 - 00:10:45:14

Nick Capozzi

Ask the question again, give that line stop. And what people do is they they feel that they're pitching and they're like, I got to get all this out. And I sold that this time saying it this way and sold it this way, saying it this way. Don't think of it that way. Think about giving value. What's something that maybe I have a company that needs your PLG service?

00:10:45:14 - 00:10:49:19

Nick Capozzi

What do I need to be thinking about? About product like growth, period. That's the opportunity.

00:10:50:07 - 00:11:01:22

Rob Napoli

And I love they bring this up because the hard part is, is everyone wants to just word vomit. And then the answer is 5 minutes long. No one wants to watch a five minute video. It needs to be 60 seconds or less. So how do you become seconds?

00:11:01:22 - 00:11:19:22

Nick Capozzi

That's what you got. 18. What is your give you a great example. Okay. When I talk about dumping stuff into word document, I use an example outside of of selling or marketing. So I talk about cooking. Here's an 18 second clip. Every time I cook salmon, I use a cast iron skillet because a uniform heat is going to crisp up the skin.

00:11:19:22 - 00:11:44:14

Nick Capozzi

I take the fillet olive oil, salt, pepper, both sides. That's it. Drop it. Skin side down. Three minute timer, flip 3 minutes. Take it off. Rest, 3 minutes. Best salmon you've ever eaten your life, 18 seconds. And it's an actionable insights. Something that someone can actually walk away, stop the video and go and apply immediately. So a lot of people like take pictures of salmon's in the grocery store and send it to me because that's always the example I used.

00:11:44:24 - 00:12:01:13

Nick Capozzi

But if you great example, right, because it's a short form tactic. I didn't time that that was probably 15 to 18 seconds. That's how you need to think about whatever it is you're talking about with video. If you can master that. And it's not hard to do and come to social, social thought idea and I'm not trying to plug it, I'm just saying this.

00:12:01:20 - 00:12:08:19

Nick Capozzi

These are the conversations we have every day in there. So become this social, social and we can help kind of guide you on on that path.

00:12:09:23 - 00:12:28:23

Rob Napoli

You know, you highlighted in that is that when you're creating content, create content of value for your audience, not for yourself, right? Like you're creating it about you or for you. It comes off as just conceded, like I did this and I did that. Like, hey, you know, like, yeah, we know the salmon perfectly. He's saying it's like, this is what I do for the best cook salmon ever.

00:12:29:08 - 00:12:40:16

Rob Napoli

Then try it. Right? It's not like I'm amazing and I invented is like, Hey, this is how I found out the best way because I found it through some other day. I want to make sure you know how to have the best cook salmon, and it's actionable. It's not about you.

00:12:41:09 - 00:13:00:07

Nick Capozzi

And it was Bilal BATRAWY from Death, the fluff hashtag that the fluff was amazing. Great guy. One of my favorite people. He's the one who really hammered that home to me is who's the hero of the story. It's not fucking you, it's your prospect, right? And if you look at your correspondence, if you look at your content, it's us.

00:13:00:07 - 00:13:18:19

Nick Capozzi

We, our solution, our features. Fuck that. People want their problem to be heard. You need if you want to tell a great story, what you're trying to do is pull your prospect from across the stage into the story with you so they can visualize themselves next to you. That's the fucking goal of telling a great story and getting someone interested in what you're doing.

00:13:18:19 - 00:13:38:10

Nick Capozzi

So I think that's the way you need to think about it. You are not the hero, it's about them. And my challenge to you, if you're listening this podcast right now, go look at the last ten sales emails you sent out and and it's going to be 98% of people. It's about you flip that switch changes the whole dynamic selling content.

00:13:38:10 - 00:13:40:01

Nick Capozzi

Regardless it works in both.

00:13:40:17 - 00:13:56:16

Rob Napoli

And I think that's one of the things I love about video. If you get really good at creating some short video content, you're writing actually gets better because you actually if you actually practice writing for video, you're when you when you start writing emails, you'll realize that your emails are more impactful, they're more satisfying, the shorter they're crisper.

00:13:56:21 - 00:14:22:08

Rob Napoli

And it actually wins for selling content like all areas of your life, it actually helps you become more of value added to the communities that you serve to your community. By going back to what we talk about with community, you're becoming more value added to your community and less about you or sales or whatever. And when you start doing it in one area, it transcends all the areas and it becomes such.

00:14:22:24 - 00:14:30:11

Rob Napoli

It's a game changer for the way that your brand as a whole. It's viewed across all platforms by your prospects.

00:14:30:15 - 00:14:50:18

Nick Capozzi

You nailed that. And let me give you an example of giving value, and again, I'll turn it into a different story. So when I was on cruise ships, I was a department of one person selling a really high end product. And the craziest place on of the week is embarkation days when everyone gets on to Miami and that guest services desk from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m..

00:14:50:18 - 00:15:09:23

Nick Capozzi

5 p.m. is 300 people deep and they have everyone in the hotel, the hotel director at FB, manager, head of housekeeping. They're trying to solve problems, but they don't want to be there. They're in a defensive position. So what I used to do, I didn't have to be there. That was as close as I had to. A day off was turnaround day, but I was there 1130 waiting for the all clear that we're at.

00:15:10:08 - 00:15:29:03

Nick Capozzi

We're at guests zero. So that's when everyone's off. We start laying new people on. And what would happen is I would work that line and I would gently say, Hey, I'm not guest services, but can I just see if you're in the right line because you might not be in It's kind of long and I'm I get services so I get the question and I'm like half the time they were in the wrong line.

00:15:29:11 - 00:15:43:07

Nick Capozzi

So I'd say, Oh, great, Rob is in this 45 minute line you're in, you don't need to be in it. See that two minute line? That's where you want to go. And they would say, Oh my gosh, thank you. Look at my nametag, oh, Nick from Canada, or what would you do? And I'd be like, Oh, actually, you know, we do that.

00:15:43:07 - 00:16:02:17

Nick Capozzi

We talk about the duty free shopping. We actually have a really cool presentation tomorrow, you know, at noon in the theater company. And they would come and they would bring friends because now I had solve their problem. And even though I was trying to get them in the dark theater on the first day when the first lunch buffet was opening on Dec 12 by the pool, they would fucking show up.

00:16:03:04 - 00:16:25:18

Rob Napoli

Yeah. You said think you gave them value. Exactly. And I love that. And I think that if we, you know, for others out there listening and I know as an entrepreneur, it's tough because you've got so much other things happening when you're a founder, CEO, whatever. Invest into this, this idea of content, the power of video and just sharing some of those things with your community.

00:16:25:18 - 00:16:42:00

Rob Napoli

Because when you do that, you become human. People buy from you. And it opens so many doors. And I think we just, you know, you just made that home with just the way that you do that. And again, it transcends all areas of life in person, written communication, verbal communication and video communication.

00:16:42:05 - 00:16:57:14

Nick Capozzi

Rob, I'll wrap it with this. This is how you need to look at it. Entrepreneur, Founder You need to look at it as no matter how great your product or service is, no one's going to buy from you if they don't know about it and I can't tell you how many times I've sat down with tactical co-founders and they're like, I changed.

00:16:57:14 - 00:17:19:17

Nick Capozzi

The fucking world's going to sell itself. Cool. It might sell itself, but there's still that gap of marketing, right? That awareness is that demand Gen Right. How do you close that gap? Content If you're a solopreneur founder trying to get, you know, a series, create content, you're a founder trying to get VC money, create content you want all eyes on you create content and give value.

00:17:20:05 - 00:17:27:15

Rob Napoli

I mean, I've always said that it's not about what you know, it's not about who you know, it's about who knows you, my friend and I create content to be known.

00:17:28:00 - 00:17:31:03

Nick Capozzi

I need to give Larry long a virtual hug. That's my guy, man.

00:17:32:12 - 00:17:51:14

Rob Napoli

So, you know, definitely if you are interested in this topic, social, social high at that, I'll join the community. I'm in that a lot of great stuff. A lot of great lessons. But Nick, how can you know, as a wrapping up here, how can bear nation get a hold of you? How do they stay in touch with you if they want to learn more?

00:17:51:14 - 00:17:52:14

Rob Napoli

What do you got to play for us?

00:17:52:23 - 00:18:15:08

Nick Capozzi

Connect with me on LinkedIn. Don't follow connect Sarah John Rob's podcast and hang out on social social man I'm telling you, that's really it's bump. We're shocked how how busy the Slack channel is and how people are asking questions, but the community is answering them. This caught us off guard. We thought we were doing it to try and get some interesting answers about algorithms, but it's taken a life of its own.

00:18:15:08 - 00:18:18:05

Nick Capozzi

So if you think about doing this, just come hang out with us on social

00:18:18:18 - 00:18:36:03

Rob Napoli

Love. I'll make sure to have your LinkedIn and the address. social that I'll in the show notes. All I got to do is open it up, click on the link in there in Nick, I appreciate you, my guy. We're going to have you back soon. We have so much more to catch up on and topics to cover.

00:18:36:09 - 00:18:39:21

Rob Napoli

I appreciate you joining a Bear Nation here today. Thank you so much, my friend.

00:18:40:04 - 00:18:41:11

Nick Capozzi

You're free, buddy. You're my guy.

00:18:41:17 - 00:18:46:11

Rob Napoli

I love it. Bear Nation, until next time, as always, stay well. Rise up